Dengue Fever Symptoms Also Equally Treatment - What Is Dengue Fever?

What is dengue fever?

People alongside dengue fever bring high fever together with hurting inward the joints (Knuckles). It owes the affliction its name.

Dengue fever is caused yesteryear a virus. This virus is transmitted yesteryear mosquitoes that specially on people during the day. The affliction occurs inward tropical together with subtropical regions: South together with Central America, the Caribbean, Africa together with South East Asia. Another get upward for dengue is dengue.
There are 4 dengue viruses (DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 together with DEN-4). People tin sack concur out infected alongside any virus once.

 People alongside dengue fever bring high fever together with hurting inward the joints  Dengue Fever Symptoms As Well As Handling - What Is Dengue Fever?

There are three forms of dengue fever:
  1. (normal) dengue fever;
  2. dengue hemorrhagic fever. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a severe shape of dengue fever, alongside the primary re-create feature (internal) bleeding;
  3. the dengue stupor syndrome. If bleeding likewise much fluid together with blood from the blood vessels leaking, somebody gets a shock.
The doctor tin sack diagnose dengue fever yesteryear listening to your complaints. To confirm the diagnosis she tin sack all the same attain blood test.

There are no medicine for dengue fever. You betoken to quaff a lot. Against the hurting should y'all lot are using acetaminophen.

What are the symptoms of dengue fever?

People alongside dengue fever bring the side past times side complaints:
  1. high fever to 41 ° c, alongside chills;
  2. severe headache;
  3. muscle pain;
  4. bone together with articulation hurting (especially to a greater extent than or less together with higher upward the coccyx);
  5. nausea, vomiting;
  6. cough, sore throat;
  7. not itchy pare rash on the trunk together with afterward on the limbs together with face.

 People alongside dengue fever bring high fever together with hurting inward the joints  Dengue Fever Symptoms As Well As Handling - What Is Dengue Fever?

Dengue hemoraggische fever starts as a normal dengue fever. After two to v days y'all lot testament select hemorrhages inward the pare (bruises together with finding point), nose, gums, heart, liver together with intestines. The liver is ofttimes enlarged.

If at that location is likewise much fluid together with blood from the blood vessels leaking, touching inward shock. The doctor must charge per unit of measurement y'all lot moisture alongside a drip. If not, y'all lot tin sack die.

Usually dengue inward infants less severe than inward older children together with adults.

How tin sack y'all lot instruct infected alongside the dengue virus?

People tin sack instruct dengue fever yesteryear a mosquito seize alongside teeth of the Asian Tiger mosquito.
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mosquito becomes itself infected alongside the virus through the blood to suck yesteryear somebody who at that quaternary dimension dengue fever. In Southeast Asia together with West Africa mosquitoes tin sack probable likewise concur out infected yesteryear monkeys. Mosquitoes bear the virus for life.

Not everyone gets sick afterward a seize alongside teeth from an infected mosquito. In people who attain instruct sick starting the affliction two to fourteen days afterward the bite. Someone who has dengue fever tin sack non infect other people.

There are 4 types of the virus: the DEN-1 to the 4. Someone who has antibodies against DEN 1, tin sack non instruct another dengue fever which is caused yesteryear the same type of virus. Can this private concur out infected alongside the other three viruses. The affliction tin sack together with thence much to a greater extent than serious. This results inward previously dengue hemorrhagic fever together with dengue stupor syndrome.

Treatment for dengue fever

The treatment of dengue fever consists to a greater extent than oftentimes than non of fighting the symptoms. Against the affliction itself are non medicines. You must e'er alongside dengue fever to a doctor or hospital.

People who intend they may bring contracted dengue fever, absolutely no aspirin or ibuprofen use. By this y'all lot testament instruct extra endangerment on bleeding painkillers. Paracetamol is allowed, alone non to a greater extent than than, inward the package insert.

To forestall dehydration, it is significant that y'all lot quaff a lot (for example, saline together with fruit juice). Patients who instruct a lot of vomiting fluid through a drip. The GP may y'all lot likewise charge per unit of measurement something against vomiting.

People alongside dengue hemorrhagic fever instruct an infusion of moisture to forestall them into shock. Sometimes a blood transfusion.

In close people is dengue fever afterward a few weeks on. The virus is gone from the blood.

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